They have finished with the surgery, and we are just awaiting for them to move her upstairs.  It will be another hour, but she is looking great.

Dr. del Nido just came and visited with us about the procedure.  He shared how the procedure went and said that she is doing great.  Her heart is looking good and the pressures are all adjusting. The next 48 hours will be the true test, but she is responding well to the repair.  They found another little hole in her heart, and closed it along with taking down the hybrid surgery and stints and repairing the holes.  They removed some fibrous tissue in the  tip of the left ventricle that uncovered a small pocket they didn’t know was there. This actually added more volume to the left ventricle.

Dr. del Nido said that they are highly pleased with her progress and we will continue to watch her closely over the next 48 hours.  Once that time has passed he feels that we will be one the way to a full recovery.  We are so amazed and so blessed.

Please continue to pray that she recovers quickly and is comforted from pain.  We can’t wait to see her!!!!

Merry Christmas from Boston!!!!!